Frequently Asked Questions

Can Help-U-Sell sell my house?
Yes absolutely. We specialize in selling homes. Using the vast reach of the internet, we sell homes all over the Bay Area.

How long will it take?
The sale of your home depends on the location, price, and condition of your property. There are instances when we have sold the homes on the very first day of their listing. Realistically, plan on a 2-3 month process, depending on the real estate market.

How is Help-U-Sell different from other real estate companies?
We are no different than other real estate companies except we provide several options to list your property in order to save you money in real estate commissions. We use the same MLS and use the same California Association of Realtors forms as other real estate companies.

How Can Help-U-Sell Charge A Lower fee When Others Charge So Much More?
The question to ask is not why we charge less but why others charge more. Our fee reflects the time and effort we put in – just like an accountant or a lawyer. The other agents follow the outdated model of charging 6% commission to sell your home thus sharing your growth in equity.

Are there any hidden fees or charges?

Do I have to pay the fee upfront?
No. You only pay when your house sells

Will agents from other firms still show my property if I list with Help-U-Sell?
Help-U-Sell sells hundreds of homes every year – most of them with the participation of a buyer’s agent. If you choose the MLS or Full Service option then buyer’s agents earn a commission like any other listing on the market and hence they have no reason not to show your listing.

Will you negotiate the contract when we get an offer?
Absolutely. We see dozens of contracts every year and are experts in reviewing and negotiating contracts. We take care of the entire sale process – from start to finish.

Will a larger firm be able to sell my home more quicker?
Buyers do not care which company lists a property. They want to buy a good property at a reasonable price. If you price your house right, you’ll property will sell quickly irrespective of who is selling it. The question is it is not what you sell it for it is what you get to keep after paying those high selling commissions. We help you retain more of your equity.

Are you licensed and members of real estate organizations as the National Association of Realtors?
We are fully licensed by the Bureau of Real Estate in Sacramento. We are members of the National Association of REALTORS (NAR), California Association of REALTORS and the local real estate association, BAY EAST Association of REALTORS as well as Paragon MLS.